
Mission of South African Trams

I have been collecting South African Tram information over many years. Not an easy task as most books are long out of print and sadly not many trams have been preserved. Pictures are far and few between, even the books had small and grainy pictures..

So I have decided to collect pictures, maps, drawings of trams and produce a book  / magazine showing South African Trams in all their glory.

Have had a wonderful response from various people. Will name them later on when the time is right.

Looking for pictures from the following systems:
Durban - The Durban Borough Tramways Company Ltd.
Johannesburg - Johannesburg  Municipal Tramways (J.M.T.)
East London - East London Municipal Tramways
Cape Town - Cape Electric Tramways Company Ltd.
Kimberley - Kimberley Tramways
Pretoria - Pretoria Municipal Tramways
Pietermaritzburg - Pietermaritzburg Municipal Tramways
Port Elizabeth - Port Elizabeth Electric Tramways Company Ltd.

If you have any pictures or information, please contact me. As I want to print as many pictures as possible from the various systems.The Photo Journal will include scale drawings and detailed maps. Pictures showing the depots and infrastructure is also of interest. The photo journal will hopefully be a great reference for future generations, a helping hand to modellers who want to run scale trams. Even old tickets that can be scanned is of interest.

Making use of modern printing techniques. This photo journal will only be a great success if people are willing to share their pictures, so please email me.

Les Pivnics SAR Photo Journals and William Marshalls SA Colours & Markings are a masterpiece. This is how high the bar is set.


Page last updated : 12812/2010

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